The Formula to BIG Earnings
Begins With A POWERFUL System

See More In This Video About How 
To Make
Returns In The Power Lead System:
Welcome from Albie & Elizabeta owners of 
The Online Marketing Academy 


Our whole formula works around this strategy:

The Poor and Middle-Class Work FOR Money,
But the Rich Make Their Money Work FOR Them!*

*Paraphrase from Robert Kiyosaki

Learn the strategies of what the rich do, to buy
assets and earn more and more!

Essentially we're teaching you how to make your money
work for you with any smart business you invest in.

Even more important is investing in building a 
mailing list (list of potential customers).

This will 
be your BIGGEST ASSET that you can earn from
over and over again. On this page, I want to show you how you 
can build massive leverage with GDI and build your LIST with the
Power Lead System below:

Two Smart Businesses: 

GDI (Global Domains International) and PLS
(Power Lead System). Here's a quick run-down on them: 

1. GDI

Summary: Unless you're using a Network Marketing strategy,
You need marketing tools to succeed and GDI does not have them.


GDI sells domains and has been around for over 20 years..............................
It's been a very successful business. It's a Network .........................................
Marketing business.  ........................................................................................

To just summarize its super simple compensation plan: ...................................
it costs $10 for the domain and hosting each month and from.........................
that $10.00 GDI ( takes $5 for its expenses and profit. ................
The other $5, it pays out $1 to each of the five levels. .....................................

If you would 
like to see more about GDI, you may go here ............................

Earning Six Figures With GDI: See Earnings Calculator here . ........................

2. PLS

Summary: You need marketing tools to succeed and PLS has them
PLUS a much higher compensation plan.


PLS gives a 14-day trial at only $1 to test out its system! ...............................

After 14 day trial, PLS costs $30 a month (for the tools) or $53 a month .......
($1.76 a day) for the tools PLUS the ability to earn $20 per customer ...........
(per month) and 50% monthly override commissions 
from your team!*..........

You just need 3 members to be in profit with PLS! ........................................

 *See PLS for more accurate details.

PLS sells marketing tools (advertising training, autoresponder, .....................
tracker, capture page and funnel page creators, contact manager,.....................
and so much more (it would take a long time to go into). PLS has ..................
been around for over 10 years and also has had a lot of success. In ................
fact, many affiliates in PLS, have created six and seven-figure incomes..........

Its compensation plan is in the affiliate marketing industry (not network ........
marketing). However, it does pay out one level down on the Gold level and ,,,
has a clever compensation plan that passes up non-qualified members to pay
the first qualified one unlimited levels deep on its upgraded levels. .................
The surprising thing is that it does not pay out a little for each level.................
as a Network Marketing company would. Its compensation plan is .................
very unique 
and needs a chart to explain it and you can see everything ...........
about PLS
here . ................................................................................................

How much can you earn with PLS? 
14 Real People Who Earn 5-6 Figures With PLS
here .


The Real Deal:

.............................Hi, this is Albie. I want to share something really important 
.............................before you get started. 

..............................You know from 2012 to 2018, I went through over 40 different 
..............................programs and I listened to all the gurus telling me what to do
..............................and what not to do and I tried them all. I also SPENT over 
..............................$10,000 on my credit card! So I know what it feels like to pay
..............................and NOT earn.

..............................To sum it all up, nothing really worked for me. Yeah, I made a 
............................. little money here and there but could not figure out how to 
..............................make consistent daily sales. Feel me?
..............................In 2018 I met a mentor who changed my life and taught me 
..............................real marketing skills that changed everything for me. These 
..............................skills have been around forever, they’ve just been adapted to 
..............................the internet. These are the same skills I’m going to be teaching!
..............................Now I’ve done the $10 deal and the $20 deal (even the ones
..............................where you would make residual income each month) and I've
..............................been building the network marketing dream for a long time.
..............................This is the strategy where you can earn from creating massive
..............................leverage with your team, levels and levels down and earn from
..............................from the efforts of your team (not just from your own efforts).
..............................To be honest, that's why we created the Wildfire Business!
........................    ..All that is greathowever, let me be real with you for a second.
.......................    ...Creating leveraged income is nice and earning $10 and $20 residual  
..........................    income monthly is also nice but both these methods need time and 
..........................    persistence to find key leaders and a MASSIVE team to get anywhere
.........................    .at all!
..............................It takes a long time to build massive leverage and be able to earn on a high
..............................scale this way! Don’t get me wrongall this is worth your time but if you
..............................wanna go full-time and “FIRE YOUR BOSS” so to speak anytime soon’re gonna need to be making hundreds of dollars a week to even go 
..............................And that’s why this message is so important. One of the main programs I
..............................promote is GDI and we've connected it with a system called “Wildfire 
..............................Business”. You may have seen it! Anyway, it allows you to create
..............................leverage five levels down and yes, you can earn six figures with it
..............................EVENTUALLY. Eventually is the KEY word here (lol!). 

.............................To emphasize this once more, this takes real time to find leaders who
............................. don’t just quit on you! In addition, even though this method of earning great, you need to learn real skills if you wanna be able to go part-time
..............................or full-time anytime in the near future. And learning real skills means 
..............................having real marketing tools
..............................GDI does NOT have the marketing tools that you need for this. You need have a capture page creatora trackera good auto-responder, and understanding of building “know, like, and trust” with your email list
..............................and learning how to pull your email list through your funnels. And these are all important if you want to master the 5 Critical Skills. The
..............................Power Lead System HAS all these tools PLUS a HUGE compensation

.............................. Let me share a secret with you. In the Power Lead System, there’s an
...............................upgrade called the Home Business Pro. This upgrade costs almost $500. 
...............................This upgrade changed my life because it taught me real communication
...............................skills with my email list. And you have to have this if you want to get 
...............................anywhere - I’m being very serious with you. 

 .............................In fact, this was the missing piece for me for so many years. To be blunt, 
..............................if you don’t learn effective communication, you can have the BIGGEST 
..............................LIST in the world and it won’t do you ANY good (yes, you heard me, you
..............................might as well throw your list in the trash can). 
..............................That’s why coming in the Power Lead System at the first level is not
..............................enough. Sure it will help and it’s a start if that’s all the money you have 
..............................(in fact you can start for only $1 today). However, you need to learn 
..............................effective communication, and the Home Business Pro level and upgrade
..............................will teach it to you.
..............................The next thing I want to share with you is the next level called the MTI (or
..............................the Master Traffic Institute). This training is almost $1500. This training 
..............................will teach you how to create high ticket sales. And if you’re not able to 
..............................create high ticket sales, then you’re going to have to be satisfied with
..............................small earnings. And who wants that?

.......................................................On TOP of that, anyone upgrading to MTI, will also find that the
most important HBP training is ALSO inside!
...............................I understand that not everyone has the money to upgrade to these levels.
...............................However, I didn’t have it either and found a way to get it or save up for I knew that if I really wanted to earn anything significant, it was the
...............................only way.
...............................I mean, who wants to struggle for the next five years learning how to
...............................make high-ticket sales? I know if I had to redo it all over again I
...............................That’s why I'm telling you this NOW so you can save yourself a LOT 
...............................of time and aggravation. In fact, what I’m gonna do for you is help you
...............................personally and coach and mentor you (in addition to the training that get inside the Home Business Pro and the Master Academy
...............................Did you catch that? Yep, let me repeat that: When you upgrade to the
...............................MTI, my team and I are going to coach and mentor you (and your*). And I'm NOT going to just teach you the basics like I do with
...............................most. No way! I’m going to help you learn ADVANCED SKILLS and
...............................each of the 5 Critical Skills personally.

...............................I'm going to guide you through each one and help set up the funnel
...............................pages for you to be able to have a page just like this one (and the 
...............................previous bridge page) so that YOU can go after getting high ticket
...............................sales too!

...............................*for those upgrading to MTI

..............................In addition, I’m going to help guide you (and your team) and teach you to make sales consistently and how to get those high ticket sales that
..............................can help change things for you financially. 
..............................Now I can’t promise results, but if you’re willing to do the work, it’s
..............................always been my observation that the right activities produce the right
..............................results! So I hope this helps you and gives you a vision of what you can to change things dramatically for yourself.


Don’t be like the oyster that just gets moved around
by the tide. Be like the eagle who 
steps up and demands change.


.............................Don’t take the easy way. That way never teaches you much.
.............................If you go ALL IN with me, I WILL GO ALL IN to help you.
.............................Now I’ve said it all! 
 ............................This is Albie. I look forward to working with you personally! :) 

..............................PS: Have questions and want to talk with me personally?
..............................Set up an free 15 min. appointment with me here: 

& The Power Lead System (PLS)


Join GDI and get 1 splash page made for you each month.

See Bonus #3 further down for more info. Click HERE

Can you build your list? No. ........................................................
Can you get coaching help? Yes. ................................................
Can you get personal Mentoring? No. .........................................
Can you build your team 5 levels down? Yes!..............................

Can you learn how to be independent and get online sales .........
consistently on your own? No, not with what tools GDI gives.......

you. You need outside tools to do that (unless you use a ............
Network Marketing Strategy).........................................................

Can you find any success working online?..................................

Answer: Most likely not - unless you get outside help from .......
someone who has the proper marketing tools (such as our team)
who has an autoresponder, tracker, capture page creator etc... ...
and who understands the 5 Critical skills that we teach. .............

WHY is it SO important to learn the 5 Critical Skills?...................
Without these skills, you will find yourself failing because you're .
not following tried and tested marketing strategies. Read the ......
this page and you will see more! ..................................................


When you join our team, you will either get to choose from one of ...
the 16 pages like this one above promoting the team (like in our ....
"Wildfire" GDI team).......,...................................................................

OR one or more of the 16 pages like this using PLS........................
that will build YOUR list (instead of ours), get your own subscribers 
and that will teach you how to get your own sales each day.

I know it sounds easier for us to give them to you (with GDI), but......
trust me, you will have to learn eventually (and why not just learn a..

real skill, save time and just get it over with?) You choose!..............


Join PLS and Get 1-3 splash pages made for you & connected...
to your OWN autoresponder (comes with it). It builds Your LIST....
and gives you access to make from $20 per month up to $500 ....
per sale (much more than GDI will give you - unless you build a ..
massive team). ...

See Bonus #3 further down for more info. Click HERE

Plus gain access to over 100 Share Codes for Capture Pages, .....
Sales Pages and All Kinds of Funnel Pages in the "Formula Share 

Can you build your team 5 levels down? No, ...................................
(however, see PLS's 'Perpetual Leverage' here ). .........................
Can you build your list? YES..........................................................
Can you get help? Yes. ....................................................................
Can you get personal Mentoring? Yes 
(if you come in at the ...........
MTI level).

Can you learn how to be independent and get online......................
sales consistently on your own? YES..........................................

Find any success working online? YES!.........................................
You have ALL the TOOLS you need to learn the correct .................
marketing skills and find success online!*........................................

 *Of course, we cannot guarantee results. However, we have 

found that the right actions usually produce the right results.


Opportunity & Level
Ability to Earn
5 Levels Deep
Personal Help
Get Your
Own Pages
Build Your
Own List 
Track Your
Build Your
Own Pages
YBY Funnel 
$2000 Value: 1:1
Earn High Ticket Sales?

Advanced Advertising?
$100 Free Bonus!*
$100 Free Advertising BONUS!
$10 Month
(Free 7 days)
Team Link:
Promotes the Team. 1000 hits consistently will earn you new GDI members. 
No No No No No No No No No
PLS Gold Level ($1 2wk Trial) No.
This is why we 

encourage you 
to Have GDI too.



1 set created for you.





Build your own. 100 Share Codes Given.


Build Your Own: Share Codes Given

No No No No No
(Home Business Pro)

(Split pay=Less
than $300)
This is why we 

encourage you 
to Have GDI too.



2 sets created for you.


Do-it-yourself video how to set up 
pro autoresponder.


1:1 Coaching how to track links.



Video Library 

+ 300 Share Codes Given & More!


Build Your Own: Video Library Open for Instructions.

No, but one Free Coaching Session Given Potential $200 Sales
can be earned
Some advanced Methods given in PLS No No

(Master Traffic Institute)

(Split pay available)

This is why we 

encourage you 
to Have GDI too.




3 sets created for you.


1:1 Guidance how to set up 
pro autoresponder
($99 Value).



Share Screen and we walk you through it.
($2000 value)

Video Library
Over 344 Share Codes.
($250 value)


We Build Pages For You When You're a Team Leader!


Yes! 1:1 Personal Mentoring Each Week

Yes! Potential $500 Can be earned over
and over again!


Yes!Advanced marketing /Advertising taught each week ($1057 value.

Yes! $100 BONUS 


Yes! $100 Advertising


The Tale of Two Marketers:

*Of course results cannot be guaranteed as this story is hypothetical:

Marketer #1:

She took the "easy road" (and the less expensive) and ended....
up spending MORE money over five years (as she kept failing....
for not having learned the correct marketing skills...........
FINALLY realized she should have just taken her business....
seriously from the very beginning. .......

Marketer #2:

She took the "harder road" (and more expensive) and ended up.
learning the CORRECT skills and in time made high-ticket sales .
(giving her hundreds of dollars over and over again - paying back.
what she spent and giving her profits ten to 100x more than what.
she originally spent)*.......................................................................


It's Your Choice: 

Take The Easy Road:
Maybe You're Not Ready for PLS Right Now?
Go Back To GDI & Wildfire Business Formula 


Choose to Learn the Skills: (Simply Continue)

What Do The Tools In PLS Do?

What's The Difference Between

GDI (Global Domains International) VS PLS (Power Lead System).

With GDI, even though we encourage you to join so that we .........
can help you duplicate your team 5 levels deep, the Power ............
Lead System is SO much more powerful for different reasons: .......


1. Training on the 5 Critical Skills..........................................

What are these skills? These skills are how our............
team get sales EVERY day and earn HIGH TICKET.......
SALES! This is going to take your business to the..........
next level and help you earn so MUCH faster!................

2. You're learning how to create your OWN capture pages ....
(Critical Skill #2)

3. You're building your OWN Email List (Critical Skill #3).......

4. You're learning how to build effective connections with .......
 your list (Critical Skill #4)

5. You're learning how to make more and more money...........
through effective funnels! (Critical Skill #5).

We're going to help give you over 100 SHARE CODES............
in PLS and SET up 1-3 of them for you!**.................................

**Depending on what level of PLS you come in at.

We will help teach you Effective Capture Page Creation .......
(Critical Skill #2) by walking you through how to set up one or..
ALL of these capture pages (or any of 100 or more* not shown
here) and help you build your OWN list - instead of ours). .......



Choose your page # (for example: #2) and then
mail us back. We'll set up your page for you!


Get a Sales Page Just Like This One...
With Your Links!


Come In At The PLS MTI Level And Get
The Personal Video Bridge Page AND
This PLS Formula Sales Page You're
On Right Now!

See below:

PLS Formula Sales Page:

Personal Video Bridge Page:

See The Bridge Page HERE


Choose the page # you want and let your team leader know.
You can email your Team leader here:

Success Takes Work!

To grow your team, just be willing to work at getting 1000
hits a week. This will take anywhere from 30
2 hours a day....,................................................................


Daily Work Time:

Free traffic: 2 or more hours a day. 

Paid Traffic: 30 mins or more a day

How To Get 1000 Hits a Week: HERE  
(Consider going through a special
UDIMI Training for PLS). 


1. We will work with you for the first two weeks and ...
show you how to get your 1000 hits a week...
(with your own PLS link - instead of ours. This ..
will help you begin getting subscribers and .......
building your OWN list!)......................................

Anyone getting 1000 hits a week will be eligible
for us to begin the process of placing new .........
members under you (if you have GDI ) and learn
how to get subscribers, build your own list and
and the skills of how to get sales.........................

2. We will then teach YOU how to help your............
new team get 1000 hits a week and how .,.....
to help YOU place new members under .,........
your team (if you have GDI ) and how to EARN
much higher commissions in PLS from the.......
efforts of your team!..........................................

...and the process keeps 


1. Work each day advertising.
2. Get better and stick with it. Nothing
worthwhile happens without persistence.

3. Share your excitement with others.
See how your excitement spreads!




 PLS has been around for over 10 years and cares about
its members. Albie has been with PLS since 2017
and cares about your success. :) 

1. Join PLS for One Dollar (14 Day Trial)

2. Login to PLS and Upgrade to either
the HBP (Home Business Pro)

or MTI Level

You will see them inside when you login to the 
Home Page: 

Join us NOW for ONLY $1! 

Simply Email Your Team Leader
After You Join So We Can 
Help You Get Set Up! 

Just email them with the subject line:

"Please help me get set up!"

Albie Derbyshire

oh, hold on...
One LAST thing (I almost forgot!)




See The Advertising
& TRAFFIC Getting Sites on the...

When You Join
(This page can be Yours!)
Downline Builder HERE

When You're Done...
Come Back & Sign Up 


Welcome to our Team!

1. Get The $7 LEAD LIGHTNING SYSTEM For $6 FREE!............
ASK Your Team Leader How to access
free leads for life..

2. Ask Your Team Leader To Help Set Up Your .........................
Special Splash Page/s. 
Contact Your Team Leader here:H

Albie Derbyshire,

3. How
 To Get 1000 Hits a Week: HERE ..................................

4. Connect with us on Zoom every week and ask your .............
questions and have fun with us :) ......................................

Mon & Wed 9:30 pm EST
(6:30 PST, 7:30 pm MST, 8:30 pm CST).

 Copy link into browser:

5. If You Upgraded to the PLS Home Business Pro (HBP) ......
level, ask your team Leader to send you the ...................
 Complete HBP BONUS:... ................................................

1. Access to 1 Free Mentoring! ($99 Value). .....................
2. Access to 300 Share Codes! ($27 Value)......................
3. Access to the Complete Video Training ($224 Value)....
4. Access to Gregg Davis Special Email marketing class..
Marketing Class (Value $497). ..................................

5. Free Coaching on Tracking ($99 Value). .......................

Total Estimated Value: $946.00.......

6. If You Upgraded to the PLS Master Traffic Institute .........
(MTI) level ask your Team leader to send you the ..........
Complete MTI BONUS (as follows:) ..............................

1. Info on the 1:1 Mentoring ($1057 Value)........................
2. Info on The $100 BONUS!.(
$834.95 Value)....................

3. Info on The $100 Advertising BONUS! ($157 Value)....
4. Info on the Advanced Advertising Strategy ($97 Value).
5. Master Traffic Institute
 ($1497 Value).............................

Total Estimated Value: $3642.95


Once More? Go HERE

We look forward to helping you succeed.

Talk soon!

Albie Derbyshire
Elizabeta Kuzevska